Monday, April 14, 2008


I am trying to catch up from the weekend. I was hardly home to see Ray and the menagerie since I was at the seminar. I have to take a break and recoup my physical energy, so I stayed home most of the day.

I don't know what happens in middle age, but I seemed to get my second wind. I am doing more in the past ten years than my entire previous life. Although my physical body is getting weaker and failing, it seems my mental and psychological capacities are stimulating me to continue growing and learning. And what fun I am having!

I am much happier and more content with life. Daily crises seldom last past the day, if that. Life is too short, I now realize, to worry about mundane setbacks, upheavals, disappointments and disagreements. Sure, things and people still get to me, but, now, I let go a lot more easily. I am still a control freak and know that I know best. However, I also know it is not the end of the world if I don't get my way. And I have learned that, much to my chagrin, I don't know everything and that is OK, too!

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