Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday School

Protestants call it "Sunday School", Catholics call it "Religious Education", but it's not just "book-learning". We all guide others in our faith, teaching by word and action. Catechists instruct others in our beliefs about God and His Church by living their faith.

I had the privilege of being a substitute catechist today. That is one function of my ministry as DRE (director of religious eduction)in our parish. If a catechist cannot teach their class and cannot find a sub, then it's my duty. I have had eight years experience as a catechist, teaching second grade. I subbed today for the junior/senior high school class. I was a bit nervous and class began slowly, with much awkward silence. When I was referring to one of my references, the students would begin talking among themselves; otherwise there was just deathly quiet.

As Scripture says, don't worry, the Spirit will give you the words. I prayed that God would give me a way to connect and, as always, He came through ;>) I tried different topics to encourage them to talk and finally got a spark, which led to another and another and before we knew it, class was over and we were all sorry to leave. These kids are very knowledgeable, they are intelligent and curious about their faith. It was a rewarding morning for me and lots of fun, too!

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