Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well, it’s over, my gall bladder is out and I'm back home. It was definitely outpatient surgery; I can’t believe how fast everything went. Of course, I WAS asleep most for most of the morning ;>) Dave took me down to St. Vincent’s Hospital; we arrived at 5:30.

I really didn’t have time to be nervous until last night. NOW I’m nervous. My prep nurse is very nice and when my surgeon steps in to say hi, I relax a bit. But when the anesthesiologist comes in to discuss what he will be doing, I ask him what drugs he will use. He goes into defensive doctor-speak when he finds out I'm an animal doc, so that revs me up a bit. But all goes well and the next thing I know, I am in recovery and getting ready to vomit..anesthesia usually has that effect on me. An anti-nausea injection and I'm good.

A short while later, I am wheeled back to my little cubicle (no formal rooms for outpatient surgeries), and Ray comes strolling in-he has taken over from Dave. After a couple of hours, a Sprite and some crackers, I am dressed and being wheeled to the door. Back home, into my own bed by 2:00. My nurses were even amazed at how well I did! No surprise to me. I knew I had all those prayer warriors at work and the good Lord is always very good to me. Why should today be any different ;>)


Shirley Alexander said...

Congratulations! You ARE amazing!!

D C said...

i liked the anesthesiologist's final statement " well, you were the one who asked..."