Thursday, April 10, 2008


I have been called weak, gullible, naive and a "Pollyanna" The good Lord has blessed me with an optimistic nature. Failures and obstacles, sadness and tragedy, illness and pain, sorrow and loss, are all temporary events in the joy that I find in daily life.

That doesn't mean that I am unchanged by these things or that I refuse to face the reality of life. It simply means that I am blessed to be able to accept the grace that God gives me to find the Good in every day.

I also try to look for the Good in others and give them the benefit of the doubt,rather than think they are bad or evil. Despite their actions, maybe their motives are pure, maybe they are just being self-centered and thoughtless, maybe their day is filled with trouble. And sometimes, people are just plain mean-spirited and do evil things. But I do not have to respond in kind, which is very difficult for ME to do. When Jesus told us to turn the other cheek, he knew how hard it would be. But He also said that He would be with us always. So while I know I am unable to remain charitable on my own, I also know I can rely on God to lift me up so that His will may be done.

It DOES sound a bit Pollyana-ish,but it is how I live and who I am,thanks be to God!

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