Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI is visiting the United States this week. We are so very blessed to have such a faithful and spiritual leader and it is deeply moving to see him in our country. It is difficult to believe such a vibrant and active man as the Pope is 81 years old! I would love to meet him, of course, but since that is not possible, I am delighted to simply watch the television, read the papers and surf the net. The coverage of Pope Benedict's visit has been superb; here is a good site:

Catholic Radio Indy

As a "cradle" Catholic, born, raised and renewed in my faith, I have a profound love and respect for my spiritual fathers. Including my pastor, my bishop,and my pope, I may not agree or like everything they say and do, but I believe they have dedicated their lives to guide me to my salvation. They direct me to the Father through their prayer, teaching and example. I know God has blessed me greatly by putting such holy men in my life.

Pope Benedict truly embraces his responsibility as shepherd, not only of Catholics, but of all God's people. Whether you are Catholic or don't even believe in God, believe in the sincere efforts of this holy man to bring God's love and peace to the world.

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