Today I spoke about the benefits of foraging to the Central Indiana Cage Bird Club. A very informal, friendly group of parrot lovers meet monthly at the Beech Grove library to share fellowship and to learn more about their feathered companions. Birds are welcome, so my bird buddy, Shirley and I toted a couple of ours there. Shirley took her greenrump parrotlet, Millie, and I took my little guy, Lucas.
Both birds behaved beautifully; Lucas made me so proud-it was his first "public" appearance. He readily went to everyone...although they couldn't get more than 6 feet away from "Mom" before he would fly back to me ;>) He whistled, kissed, purred and made other assorted noises. Lucas sat on my shoulder, as good as gold, during the entire time I was speaking. I love my little guy!
I met many wonderful people and beautiful parrots. They are all beautiful to me, though ;>) Someone asked me what the best part of being a veterinarian was; I replied that it was working with people, teaching them how to better care for their pets. I had a great time at the meeting and look forward to returning there in the future.
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